Mindfulness and Meditation.
We live in a world where "busyness" is praised. The more I can accomplish, the better I will feel. In reality, we are running ourselves and our health into the ground.
Do you ever wonder how you got from point A to point B because your mind was focused on your do-to-list? I have, and it isn't very comforting. Could there be a solution to assist us in being more aware of our current state? Is there a way I can slow down and get more accomplished?
Have you heard of mindfulness and meditation? And thought, what kind of "woo-woo" is that? How can that help me?
The words mindfulness and meditation may be used interchangeably; however, there is a difference.
Mindfulness is our ability to slow down and be fully present to our surroundings, thoughts, and emotions. Ultimately to mono-task and not multi-task. It is a quality that we have to develop. For some people, it comes easily, and for others, it is a challenge. With roughly 6000 thoughts rushing through our minds a day, no wonder it can be challenging. There are several ways to be mindful, such as when we are eating, visiting with a friend, or taking a walk. Remind yourself to be fully present and use all of your senses. Most importantly, put away your smartphone.
Meditation is a practice of relaxing quietly, focusing on your breath to initiate calm in our bodies and minds. From that point of relaxation, we release our thoughts and emotions. Then meditation will look different depending on your goal and the type of meditation you are doing. Some people will focus on forgiveness, healing, or scripture; some will focus on creating a positive mindset or gratitude to get through a difficult situation. Meditation is one way of cultivating mindfulness.
Are they beneficial? YES!
Multiple research studies show that both have numerous positive, physical, and mental benefits, including:
Lowering blood pressure
Improved Sleep
Better pain management
Improved eating behaviors
Greater overall life satisfaction
Increased resilience and self-compassion
Decrease in anxiety and fear
And these are just the tip of the iceberg of the benefits.
Mindfulness and mediation are just a couple of the holistic modalities I use in my coaching practice. To learn more, let's connect.
